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男性: (日本) 4.8k 訪問
114最愛 - 470照片
I am a bisexual man living in Japan. There was a time when an American, an Australian and a Bulgarian penis were inserted into my mouth and ass. I like women and I also like men. My sexual preference is to be a master to women and a slave to men. I have a desire to be tormented by bondage, whip, candle, etc. I always want to suck a big penis. I get excited just by seeing myself naked. I want as many people as possible to see me naked I would be happy if you could masturbate with my videos and photos If there is someone who will, please upload the video
男性: (地球) 2k 訪問
有什麼建議或是想要我拍的內容可以在影片下方留言,或者不限男女可以跟我互相交流私密照,我很歡迎。 If you have any suggestions or content you want me to shoot, you can leave a message below the video, or you can exchange private photos with me regardless of gender. I welcome it. ご提案や撮影してほしい内容がございましたら、動画の下にメッセージを残していただくか、男女問わずプライベート写真の交換も大歓迎です。 촬영해줬으면 하는 제안이나 컨텐츠가 있으시면 영상 밑에 메시지를 남겨주시거나, 성별에 관계없이 저와 사적인 사진을 교환하실 수 있습니다.
男性: (巴西) 16k 訪問
Rapaz da zona norte de sp ...curto cdzinhas,trans, mulheres cis e homem trans ....adoro sexo real ....quem tiver afim chega na conversa .....tenho tara em cojer mujeres bolivianas en sigilo soy de brazil São paulo
男性: 22 歲 (澳大利亚) 23.3k 訪問
Chat or trade pics. Message me, I’m looking forward to meeting you :)